Develop an interactive game to foster compassion through realistic simulations of wheelchair-user challenges.
How I identified the solution?
The gamified disability experience uses real-life observation, experience, and data from surveys to create a digital pathway with obstacles that the character player (wheelchair user) can traverse. The obstacles involve pedestrians blocking the path, irresponsibly placed e-scooters, bathrooms requiring stairs to access, the actual staircases on the Onondaga Creekwalk, etc.
MVP phase
Onondaga Creekwalk, an archetype of accessibility, was created digitally through LIDAR mapping (using iPhone Camera), 3d modeling (3Ds Max), Blender (Animation), and game design (Unity).

"Certainly aligns with the navigational challenges we face daily. Incorporating verbal expressions of the player's reactions would significantly enhance the emotional impact and overall experience."
"Certainly aligns with the navigational challenges we face daily. Incorporating verbal expressions of the player's reactions would significantly enhance the emotional impact and overall experience."